Why lagoons?
Lagoons can offer significant advantages for industrial facilities.
With high solids, mixing is critical
- The level of mixing in your lagoon determines how well the metabolizing microorganisms come into contact with the food (BOD).
- As a result, the level of mixing determines how much can be treated and how quickly.
- The higher the mixing rate, the faster the treatment.
Mixing also reduces sludge
- Multiple sludge reduction studies have been conducted with dual action coarse and fine bubble technology utilized by the Ares.
- Simply by providing more mixing and oxygen to lagoons, sludge can be reduced in place.
- Average level of sludge reduction is 45–50%.
- This reduction in sludge volume reduces costs of sludge removal.
Energy efficiency
- Aeration options available to lagoons vary in relative efficiency based on clean water testing.
- Fine bubble is among the most efficient technologies, with coarse bubble and surface aeration being the least efficient.
- However, lagoon fine bubble systems can struggle to properly mix the entire lagoon due to sheer volume of water.
- Ares Aeration® combines fine bubble efficiency with robust mixing in one portable unit.
7,800 gpm
less weight
Membranes customized for your application
The performance of fine bubble aeration in industrial wastewater requires the membrane material be compatible with the wastewater constituents. A fine bubble system on paper may look very efficient, but if the diffusers are clogged and requiring frequent maintenance, real-world efficiency will be low.
At Triplepoint, we take a customized approach to membranes. We analyze a sample of your wastewater to determine the best membrane material for your application, even customizing the formulation for your specific wastewater. Alternatively, we offer medium bubble diffusers which, while slightly less efficient, are virtually maintenance free.
Our experience
Sugar Beet Processing
Fruit & Vegetable Processing
Dairy Processing
Winery Process Water
Egg Processing
Brewery Wastewater
Rental systems
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Whether you’re looking to improve lagoon performance at your industrial facility or just have a quick question about algae, we’re here for you.
We want to be your #1 resource for all things wastewater lagoons. If we can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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We pledge to provide all our customers with the most authentic, long-term solution available. These solutions are built on the shoulders of more than 30 years of professional wastewater engineering experience. Our commitments to excellence, sound research, adaptability, and environmental consciousness separate Triplepoint from our competition.
We stand behind our products and processes. Every installation is backed by our Technology Performance Guarantee: We guarantee that our equipment will do what we say it will do.