Advanced lagoon treatment can occur with the proper conditions. The purpose of the LRAS is to facilitate the growth of a super-concentrated biological floc that can consume organic content within the wastewater at a fast rate. With faster treatment, flow and waste loading can increase while utilizing the existing lagoon infrastructure.
A Circular Clarifier or Dissolved Air Flotation system is utilized to separate the water from the solids. This both removes BOD/TSS in preparation for discharge, but also super-concentrates the organic waste with the bacteria, creating a Mixed Liquor which is then pumped into the aeration cell for treatment. The rate at which the solids accumulate depends on the amount of polymer used, allowing the operator to control the bacterial concentration.
Due to the volume of the lagoon and long sludge age, an LRAS Advanced Lagoon Treatment system can easily handle slugs in loading and peak flow events. As a result, you do not need a large crew of operators or to be on call 24/7— the LRAS is able to absorb the shock and continue to meet your discharge requirements.
LRAS helped this municipality expand their lagoon system to treat a new dairy’s wastewater.
Learn how LRAS can expand your treatment capacity for both flows and loadings.
Whether you’re looking for a phosphorus solution for your lagoon or just have a quick question about algae, we’re here for you.
We want to be your #1 resource for all things wastewater lagoons. If we can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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