Lagoon Technologies

Our innovative lagoon technologies are reliable, cost-effective, and easy to operate, allowing lagoons to be reinvented instead of replaced.

Ares Aeration and Mixing Logo

Our patent-pending Ares Lagoon Aerator combines efficient fine-bubble aeration and robust coarse-bubble mixing in a single, portable unit.

Ares Blue Min
Areas Mobile Min
Nitroxd White

NitrOx+D adds a denitrification step to our patented NitrOx Process to ensure lagoons meet effluent limits for ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NOx-N) and Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN).

Nitrox D
Nitrooxd Min
Lras White

LRAS is an innovative Lagoon/ Activated Sludge hybrid process that retrofits existing lagoons to increase treatment capacity within the existing footprint.

Lras Min
Nitrox White

Our patented NitrOx Process retrofits lagoons to meet low ammonia limits, even in cold climates. NitrOx has a small footprint and is ½–⅔ the cost of other lagoon ammonia removal technologies.

Nitrox Bg
Phosbox White

Triplepoint’s PhosBox is a low maintenance, tertiary lagoon filtration system designed to achieve effluent phosphorus limits as low as 0.5 mg/L.

Phosbox Min

We’re ready to help.

Whether you’re looking for an ammonia solution for your lagoon or just have a quick question about algae, we’re here for you.


We want to be your #1 resource for all things wastewater lagoons. If we can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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