Lagoon Ammonia Removal

Missouri Lagoon Ammonia: Dealing with Changing Regulations

Picture of Patrick Hill

Patrick Hill

Co-Founder | Triplepoint Environmental

Related Solution

Lagoon Ammonia

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Benton ScreencapMissouri’s new Lagoon Ammonia effluent permits, adopted to reflect the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new water quality criteria, are posing a challenge for wastewater lagoon systems, which were not originally designed for cold weather lagoon ammonia removal. These new Missouri lagoon ammonia regulations are especially burdensome for smaller municipalities, who may fear significant capital expense and an increase in operation and maintenance costs at a time when budgets are already tight. According to the Missouri Clean Water Commission, most facilities have not yet begun the process of upgrading to meet the current ammonia standards, giving municipalities an opportunity to plan ahead and avoid sequential upgrades. A municipal wastewater lagoon can be retrofitted to increase treatment capabilities within the existing infrastructure to provide cold-weather nitrification, eliminating the capital expense of building, operating, and maintaining a mechanical plant and preserving the ease of operation and low maintenance costs that make lagoons an attractive solution.

Triplepoint’s Ammonia Solution

Nitrox BgMindful of the challenges facing municipal wastewater lagoon operators in meeting these new more stringent requirements for nitrification, Triplepoint has put its wastewater treatment expertise to work developing a new technology to facilitate ammonia removal in cold weather environments. Designed to work within existing infrastructure, the new Triplepoint NitrOx® Reactor can effectively remove ammonia from lagoon effluents down to levels of less than 0.10 mg/L NH3-N at near freezing temperatures. All of this can be accomplished in a robust, low maintenance, and easy to operate system that can be installed at just 2/3 the cost of existing nitrification options.

The benefits of the new Triplepoint NitrOx Process are:

  • Remove Lagoon Ammonia down to less than 0.10 mg/L NH3-N
  • Maintain treatment in water temperatures near freezing
  • Cost-effectively retrofit your existing lagoons
  • Low maintenance, low operating cost treatment system
  • Robust design that will last as long as your lagoon
For more information, download the NitrOx Process literature.

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